Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Elizabeth Stafford
Pasonanca Park Tree-House
September 30, 1963

From the heart of an Acacia tree
Come these words from me to thee
In a tree-house I now stay
My third day, out Zamboanga way.

Leafy boughs frame screen-tight windows
and sky is etched in swaying palm-frond rows.

Beyond shines the Celebes Sea
while close around "my" tree
Brilliant bougainvilla reaches up to me.

The rainbow tips a bird's wing
While friendly Filipino voices sing.
In pretty Pasonanca Park
Where Tree-House living is a lark
A stream-fed pool
Invites a swim that's cool.

There's room for two
But one alone "can do"
With frig and lights
And comfort for all rites.

At dusk and dawn
A cricket combo will help you yawn.
Rare fruits tease
Sun-sweet breezes please.

How much: much No price!
It's just to be nice
To City Guests who stay
Out Zamboanga way.

But of pesos -- leave a few
La Lavandera will wash for you.

This sweet little scheme
For enchantment - whose dream?
That of Cesar Climaco, a mayor
With imagination of his mind plus hair.

For every visitor out Zamboanga Way
This my heart is glad to say.

Source: 1987 Golden Jubilee Souvenir Program
Jetlink Website

Monday, July 17, 2006

Zamboanga City

ZC Pasonanca Tree House

The TREE HOUSE at Pasonanca Park was built in 1960 during the Zamboanga City Administration of the famous local legend, the late Mayor Cesar C. Climaco.

You have to make a reservation if you wish to stay for a night or two. A cozy place with its modern facilities. It can accommodate a couple. So, it's a great honeymoon suite for a newly wed. And it's FREE!

For Tree-House reservations, contact: Mr. Rolly Bucoy City Tourism Officer Office of the City Mayor Tel. No. (63) (62) 991-4525 Fax: (63) (62) 991-1889
Source: Jetlink Website

ZC Camino Nuevo

Zamboanga International Airport

ZC Veterans Avenue

ZC Tetuan Fruit Stand