Elizabeth Stafford
Pasonanca Park Tree-House
September 30, 1963
From the heart of an Acacia tree
Come these words from me to thee
In a tree-house I now stay
My third day, out Zamboanga way.
Leafy boughs frame screen-tight windows
and sky is etched in swaying palm-frond rows.
Beyond shines the Celebes Sea
while close around "my" tree
Brilliant bougainvilla reaches up to me.
The rainbow tips a bird's wing
While friendly Filipino voices sing.
In pretty Pasonanca Park
Where Tree-House living is a lark
A stream-fed pool
Invites a swim that's cool.
There's room for two
But one alone "can do"
With frig and lights
And comfort for all rites.
At dusk and dawn
A cricket combo will help you yawn.
Rare fruits tease
Sun-sweet breezes please.
How much: much No price!
It's just to be nice
To City Guests who stay
Out Zamboanga way.
But of pesos -- leave a few
La Lavandera will wash for you.
This sweet little scheme
For enchantment - whose dream?
That of Cesar Climaco, a mayor
With imagination of his mind plus hair.
For every visitor out Zamboanga Way
This my heart is glad to say.
Source: 1987 Golden Jubilee Souvenir Program
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